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Product Spark:
Where Your Product Vision Ignites

Strategic Planning & Execution

Strategy catalyzes outstanding innovation and endearing product value.  Pragmatic thinking blended with data, experience, and inspiration enables product management, engineering, and Go To Market teams to co-create thriving products and connections.


Product Spark is ready to partner with you to deliver growth and energized your team.

Why Product Spark?

I dive deep into the heart of your business. By understanding your customer psychology, market forces, product challenges and organizational competencies, I tailor the support you need. Let's spark the possibilities! 

Our Solutions

Product Spark provides comprehensive services including:

  • growth strategies

  • innovation support

  • customer value connection

  • product management enablement


Let's discover your market potential and shape endearing products for a brighter tomorrow, today.

Product Spark

Isn't it time for your business to ignite its product vision?

Picture this: a dark room, the air thick with anticipation. In the center, a single spark—a tiny, incandescent seed of possibility. It flickers, dances, and then, with a burst of energy, ignites into a flame.

Your business, too, harbors that spark. It lies within your team, waiting for the right moment to blaze forth. The vision—a kaleidoscope of what could be—waits to be seen. Strike the flint and let the sparks fly. 


Consumer Goods

Product Spark elevates your consumer goods business by providing strategic market insights, innovative product enhancements, and compelling messaging strategies to captivate your audience and drive brand loyalty in a competitive marketplace.


Product Spark specializes in empowering your technology business with strategic growth insights, innovative product development, and targeted messaging to unlock your full market potential and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.


Product Spark empowers your e-commerce business with tailored growth strategies, innovative product features, and compelling messaging to drive sales and enhance customer engagement in today's competitive online marketplace.


Product Spark is dedicated to assisting startups by delivering customized market insights, pioneering product development strategies, and effective messaging approaches, equipping them to overcome initial hurdles and thrive in the competitive market environment.

Wellness & Healthcare

Product Spark elevates your consumer goods business by providing strategic market insights, innovative product enhancements, and compelling messaging strategies to captivate your audience and drive brand loyalty in a competitive marketplace.



Uncover your market potential by solving the right problems that align with business objectives and the right investment decisions. We'll delve into the market landscape, customer needs and insights, and organizational competencies to build the foundation for your growth and innovation.​


Take strategy to action by improving processes and enabling teams to succeed in the long term. Working with your team to support them on a journey to increase effectiveness and impact, my goal is to spark creativity, collaboration, and clarity to empower your team with confidence and focus for action and outstanding product results.

Let's Tune Up Your Product with our Product Value Workshop

Have a fantastic product with initial success but now struggles to grow? A Product Value Workshop  will identify the dials the turn to tune up the value.

Hear From Our Clients

Product Spark has a relentless focus on the customer. Through well-constructed research, they  quickly developed an understanding of the various customer segments and help tailor the product offering to accelerate market acceptance and growth.

SVP Product 

Working with the Product Spark has been an absolute game-changer for our business. The focus on strategic insights and innovative solutions will propel our products to new heights. 

M. Krell, Partner Development
Techne Innovations

Our Clients

Ignite Your Business Growth with Product Spark Consulting

Ignite Your Business Growth with




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